Sunday, January 9, 2011

No one told me babies got sick!

Dutch was sick for the very first time in his entire life last night. It all started after his afternoon nap. He went down at 3pm exhausted and at 5pm, I went up there to wake him up. He was happy to see me, jumped up with energy.......then I noticed the orange barf..........everywhere. All over his bed, his blankie, his pj's and his body. My baby smelled like puke! How could this be? My baby has never been sick! He was acting normal, I thought it was a fluke. Too many sweet potatoes maybe? Until the barf didnt stop. It was an unexpected feeling to feel totally helpless while my poor baby is having a barf attack! The odd thing is, he was smiling and happy in between barf sessions while I was FREAKING OUT. I was trying to remain calm so that Dutch was not scared but I did not realize this was part of the mom job description! I thought kids got sick after like.....age 5 or something. Babies are pure positive love! How could they get sick?!
The worst part for me was the look of fear and confusion on his face when he was getting sick. MOMMY HEART BREAK!
Chad was at his friends for the amazing Seahawks game. I might have gone a little overboard when I called and said, "CHAD, OUR SON IS SICK, GET HOME NOW WE NEED TO GO TO THE EMEGENCY ROOM."
By the time Chad got home Dutch was smiling and laughing and playing in the bath. Chad started laughing and was relieved that I was being a little dramatic. The whole time this was going on I could feel the struggle inside my mind. Part of me wanted to panic and scream SOMEONE HELP MY BABY! I couldnt help but realize Dutch was totally fine and having a grand ole time in between his pukies.
I called in all the experts. Chads mom, my parents and my little sister.
My dad was the first to get to respond.
The call went something like this, "DAD, WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN A BABY PUKES?!"
my dad started laughing and said, "you clean it up."
He was right. I learned that Dutch can handle being sick and that the best thing for me to do in any situation is to remain calm for my baby. I did check on him multiple times in the night and I kept forcing the pedialyte down his throat (we called a nurse of corse) and continued to overreact and freak out about what we were supposed to do but there was a little helpful voice in the back of my mind saying RELAX.......he is okay. BREATHE.
Chad is such a good balance of energy for us. He was calm, kind and just there to catch Dutchie's barf when he was throwing up. He cleaned up and I think having him there calmed me down because he was not freakin. This was very awesome and reminded me Chad is such a good dad. I can give him such a hard time for watching sports all day or laying on his ass for whatever reason (I think its called relaxation but for husbands, its called lazy)
Dutch was only sick for about 5 hours. I know there are going to be worse sick days in our future and that it is something that comes with the territory. I really need to learn to relax, just go with what feels right to me and listen to Dutch's cue's on what he needs.
I think I go to the land of what if's in situations like this.
What if he is really sick and we dont do the right thing and something really bad happens?!
Keep in mind he was laughing and smiling during this sickness, CUE
What if he needs an operation or medicine and we are just sitting here watching Blade Runner? (chad had the remote)
Keep in mind Dutch had no fever, temp or any sort of symptoms that require an operation. CUE
What if I mess this up and hurt my baby?!
I need to learn to be confident in my mom skills and trust my instints. Take a step back and listen to my gut. CUE
He is now upstairs napping and although he has an appetite for liquids, he has not wanted to eat anything. I need to take this time to do my workout-take a shower-and be ready for whatever happens when this boy wakes up.


  1. Poor Dutch -- I hope he feels better soon!

    You might consider asking your pediatrician if you can give him Emetrol (or the store-brand equivalent); it's basically thick sugar syrup and phosphorus. We've used that many times and it really does help, so even if you don't need it this time (and hopefully you won't) I would highly recommend keeping a bottle in your medicine cabinet for the next time....

  2. Thanks Alabama! I will look for Emetrol and a big chocolate sundae for me. Emotional eating might help. okay-maybe not, thank you!
