Wednesday, April 6, 2011

BAM! Here is some life in yo face

This week was really really challenging. My family is going through a lot of exciting changes and I was surprised when it all seemed overwhelming. I love change! I love being busy! Why does it seem so stressful all of a sudden?

At the core of all of these things is being a mom. No matter what is happening, Dutch is my first priority. He started daycare this week and he absolutely loved it. I am so so so proud of him. He still cried really hard when I dropped him off and chased after me when I left. Day two I actually hit him with the door when he was running after me. It was a soft tap, dont worry. Oopsie!

While my Dutchie was going through his transition into boyhood, my husband was starting a new job. We were working out the kinks of only having one car while all of this exciting stuff was going on. Throughout this week I have felt so excited but at the same time so overwhelmed and so busy! The Universe decided to add some cold's to the mix just to keep it real.
Chad was the first to get the cold. I thought he was being such a baby but then I got the cold. I was a big baby. Still am.

Today, Dutch's daycare called. As soon as I saw the numbers on the caller ID- I freaked. OMG! Why are they calling me! Is my baby ok? They were very nice and just explained my baby had a fever.
I will be right there! All of a sudden, I did not give a crap about Chad's cold or my cold.

When I picked Dutch up, all of the other stuff just kind of melted away.
I really dont have anything to worry about as long as my boy is okay. I might need to keep that in my back pocket for the next time Starbucks forgets my white mocha in my mocha.

I got home and really thought about the week and all of the things I was worried about.
The house was quiet. Dutch was napping. I felt so peaceful for the first time all week.
Sometimes sucky things can make you appreciate your life.
Being sick makes me realize I need to spend more time appreciating my health.
I really and truly need to wake up everyday and say thank you (for my health, for our home, for my family, for our ONE car, for the day, for my protein shake :)


  1. It's great to hear that Dutch's first week of daycare is going so well! I hope all three of you get over the cold quickly, though!! :)

  2. Casey, your posts sound more and more like me(sorry) but they do. In college, you seemed like the girl who never worried about ANYTHING. I have always been a worrier so its no wonder that I am more crazy today than I was 10 years ago. I have 10 times the responsibility. The way you talk about your body image- I CAN TOTALLY RELATE!!! The way you worry about your son- I CAN TOTALLY RELATE. The way you talk about how much you worry in one week- I CAN TOTALLY RELATE. In fact, I could have written a few of your posts myself. Thank you for sharing.
