Friday, February 4, 2011

My One Year old TV watchin love child

My kid can eat and eat and eat. Sometimes I wonder if he knows when he is full?! This morning for breakfast he had his 6oz of formula, a piece of cinnamon toast (whole grain toast with xyilitol instead of sugar) and half a banana! He is only one, isnt he supposed to eat a palm sized amount of food?! I am not worried about it because he seems happy, healthy and his body is growing rapidly and as it should.
I have noticed he has really changed since his first birthday. I feel like it was this graduation into toddlerhood (that might be a bit dramatic). He has started to develop more of his personality. He laughs more, doesnt whine to be held as much and is drinking organic whole milk every now and then. HOLLER! I have no idea if this is a natural progression for babies to all of a sudden "grow up" at one. It is very strange because my little sister was born when I was 10 and I know I babysat her alot and played with her like she was my doll. You would think I would remember how it all goes!
I have a confession to make about Dutch's morning routine. The TV is on from the time he wakes up, to the time he goes back down for his morning nap! Yes! It is! Do you want to know what?! I dont feel bad about it at all. He gets to watch his Sprout channel which features Barney and then we change it to KCTS 9 for the main event, Sesame Street. He loves it. We have our breakfast together, I watch some TEEV with him, then I wedge the furniture so he is in a playpin type situation and I go upstairs and shower. I am actually proud of how well it all works. When I leave for work, I put Dutch in his crib to take his first morning nap around 8am. He will usually talk to himself for awhile before he goes to sleep. I am talkin FULL ON jabber walkie talk. I do sometimes wonder if he is talking to my mom (FYI-mommy is in Heaven), but that is a whole nother ball of wax.
This AM nap means that my beautiful husband gets to sleep in until about 9 or 9:30am. He is kind of a sleep diva so this really works for him. I know they wrestle with eachother alot during the day, which is interesting. Sometimes I wonder what Dutch will be like when he grows up. I really want to help him learn how to be caring, kind, confident, compassionate, full of integrity. The kind of kid who practices yoga and plays football. The kind of kid who is friends with everyone and helps old ladies cross the street. The kind of kid who will feed the homeless and date the cheerleader (or the yell leader, whatever, no preference) I am not sure how the wrestleing will fit in, but I am sure it is a healthy balance of Chad and my energies.
Chad does this thing where they "throw the ball" with eachother. This resulted in Dutch "throwing the ball" with kids at Gymboree only they didnt know why this kid was throwing balls at their faces. It is funny because I came home and told Chad that Dutch was the Gymboree bully, throwing balls at all the other kids and Chad said proudly, "he is playing ball with them!" So cute.
Now that Dutch is okay with the organic whole milk, I have been wondering and stressing about how to eliminate the formula. I definately welcome any comments on how to do this smoothly. He loves his formula. I have even done taste tests and he can always tell the formula bottle. This is antoher mom lesson that I need to go with the flow. Of corse, my Buddah husband, who is disguised as a loud mouth, tattoo'd, outspoken man's man, has reminded me to go with the flow. HE IS SO RIGHT! I am not going to worry about it and just see how it all plays out. My problem is I read something that says at age one, your kids should phase out the formula and start doing XYZ. I have found that this is never helpful information for me to read. I start to go into freak out mode and worry about the action plan and how we should do things and what if Dutch doesnt get on the milk and omg, is he happy?, what if we mess this up, what is happening, am I a good mom?! CALM DOWN. The best path is to listen to Dutch and follow his lead. Start introducing things gradually and with love and let nature and the Universe to the rest. (I am watching him pound a bottle of formula and gaze at Sesame Street as we speak) Stop reading things that are not necesary. Have patience. That word again. Patience.
It is time for me to wedge the furniture and get ready for work. I hope today brings happiness, love and laughs with my crazy and amazing kid. (aren't they all?!) I am going to practice patience and awareness. Lets not forget confidence.
Cheers to Formula and whole milk and awesome moms who sometimes worry they are crazy! Namaste

1 comment:

  1. Case - we mixed milk in w/ formula a little at a time. So if Dutch is drinking 8oz of formula, make it 2oz milk/6oz formula for a week or so. Then 4+4....etc. Hope that helps - every kid is different!
