Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Its 5:22am, my alarm did not go off and my baby woke up early...lord help me

This morning was a fun one. It actually all turned out great, so let me start there. For some reason my 5am alarm did not go off. I did wake up at 5:22am and jumped out of bed. I wanted my workout! Right as I got Chalene going on the tv, I hear Dutch whining on the monitor. All you moms out there will understand (I think) my next decision. I could have probably left Dutch in his crib. It was about an hour or so before he normally wakes up. He was not crying, just a few moans. The thing is, I knew he was awake. I knew I wanted to see his sweet face, I knew I would regret it because he would be all up on me during my workout. I had made my choice. I went upstairs and got him out of his crib. He was so happy to see me. Every day when I get him up I just gush over him. I am in love with him. So we go downstairs and mommy is going to do her workout. yay!

Dutch was not having it. He is growing more teeth this week so he is a bit cranky to begin with. I started my workout and he thought my weights were so cool, he kept trying to climb up my body to get them. I was doing lunges and trying to balance and he was trying to climb me like a mountain. At one point the weight tapped him in the head and he started crying (he was totally faking, yes, 11 month olds can fake it.)

I felt myself getting very frusterated and almost mad. Luckily I had a conversation with myself in my mind. (that is totally logical) This all happened within a few minutes and I am quite proud of myself. I told myself that yes, this workout is very important and I can do it. It will take some more effort to distract Dutch but it can be done. I dont want to get upset with him, he just wants my attention and wants to play. He will be FINE if I move around him and let him get a little mad. SO........I picked him up and put him in his high chair with one of his favorite crackers that takes forever to eat. It totally worked. My workout was stalled by a few mins, it was not ideal, but you know what? I am so proud of myself that I didnt freak out. I got my great workout in. Dutch ended up being fine with it and after I was done, I felt so good. Not only because I finished my workout but because I did not get mad at Dutch, I did not quit because I kept being interupted and because I still enjoyed myself. After we were done, we went to Starbucks and Dutch had a great time.

I have learned that it really does help to take a step back and evaluate things if they start to feel overwhelming. I used to wonder if I needed to jump back on the prosac anytime I got frusterated or in a bad mood and I would beat myself up. I much prefer positive self talk, slowing down and loving myself and anything that is going on.

GREAT MORNING! Oh and only one coffee, no dark chocolate so far........feeling good.

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