Monday, December 20, 2010

PPD and the healthy mom

I have decided to start blogging to help spread the healthy word, especially to my fellow moms. My son is 11 months and I have decided to make healthy living a lifestyle for myself and my family after experiencing PPD for about 6 months after Dutch was born. (I could probably be less enableing and stop buying my husband frozen pizzas every now and then but hey-one day at a time.) I kind of freaked out after my son was born. Not like Brooke Shields wanting to throw her baby out the window or whatever happened with her. I think I just freaked about the unknown and letting go of all my control. Before getting pregnant I was pretty much obsessed with working out and what I ate. I did weight watchers probably three different times. I did the low carb thing, I did low fat, I did things to be skinny and that always left me feeling..... HUNGRY. When I found out I was pregnant, it started OPERATION BE KIND TO YOUR BODY. I was not only feeding my own body, but feeding my little baby. I decided I would truly listen to what my body wanted, exercise when it felt good and just relax and let go a little bit. I learned so much during my pregnancy by following that basic principal. I probably did have a few moments where I "felt fat" (hello, I was, I was carrying another person-you are supposed to get a huge belly and gain weight, duh!) but for the majority of the time, I really learned to appreciate myself. I was growing a human! HELLO! Give a sister some RESPEK! I honestly do think something changed in me after I carried my son. I had developed a new sense of pride in myself and my body. That appreciation changed everything. Even after I gave birth to my son, I had to continue to take it easy and deal with the fact that I was now a mom. That was a big shock to me and I was scared. I wanted to be a good mom, I wanted to be able to jump back into my life full speed ahead and was freaking out that I couldnt. I wasnt prego anymore, I was feeling like I should be cleaning, working out, cooking, breastfeeding, fitting into my old clothes, you name it. I was overwhelmed.


Once again, another life lesson to slow down.

Thank goodness I developed PPD. Yes, I said, thank goodness. So I would cry and cry and cry and my husband finally said-Case-something is not right. I ended up realizing I had PPD and talking to my doctor. She put me on prosac which honestly, really helped me. That was a tough thing for me to accept because I am all about natural, yoga, healthy, clean......NOT PROSAC! NOT ME! But you know what, once again I had to think about someone else. My son needed me to be able to get my shit together. I did the prosac. Meanwhile I maintained a very healthy lifestyle. I eventually started doing P90X. (LOVE LOVE LOVE Beachbody, I dont sell it but if you want to buy it, you can contact Taryn Perry- at I actually did two rounds of P90X and after having a baby I never felt stronger in my life. I ate and continue to eat very natual foods. I eat clean, tons of fruits and vegetables and limit sugar, no dairy and no gluten. I heard about Juice Plus on a pregnancy podcast and started taking JP shakes and supplements. They are basically veggies and fruits in a capsule and in shake form so you are for sure getting your daily serving. I think I actually might start selling this product because I really do love and believe in it 110%. I know it had alot to do with my quick recovery from PPD and getting off the prosac after 6 months. (SO PROUD OF MYSELF) After 4 months I had lost about 55 lbs. (I gained alot while pregnant, the baby needed carbs :)

I am sharing this information now because I really want to be there for anyone who needs a fellow mom to be their support system. Maybe reading this will inspire you, or you will want to reach out to me for a workout partner or just read my struggles and experiences for a good laugh. I have really found that helping others live their healthiest life is what drives me, even if that means being completely honest which can be scary. I LOVE to help others achieve things they didnt think possible. This not only inspires me, but it helps me to realize I need to keep setting goals for myself as well. I am not going to lie, I am kind of nervous about putting myself out there for the world to see but I figure, what the hell-life is too short to be afraid. This is part of my latest mission which is to embrace who I am and just go for it, no matter what anyone else may think. So join me fellow moms, future moms or anyone who finds this interesting. If I get the guts to actually put this link of my facebook page, lets see what happens. :) Thanks for reading this and stand by to stand by for my next post. ps. my final tid bit before I go.......muscle burns fat....LIFT WEIGHTS LADIES! You wont regret it!

1 comment:

  1. Case - I'm reading all of your old posts now. I love how your write - so refreshing and honest and so...CASEY! Like I'm sitting down having coffee and a convo with you. So many things you say ring true about motherhood, guilt, body issues, weight gain/loss, etc. Nice to hear someone say it out loud.
