Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Yoga is one of my absolute favorite things in this world. I started practicing about four years ago and have really relied on it to help keep me balanced, grounded and healthy. I understand the importance of meditation but am someone who struggles with being still and quiet for any amount of time. The yoga room is one of the few places that I allow myself to clear my mind and let go of anything that I have been holding onto and just be with myself. I am a very sensitive person and I often feel not only my own emotions but the emotions of others. I know when I have been to a powerful class because I actually tear up durng the class-or afterwards when I am in dead pose.
I went to a free class at Shakti of Redmond last night. I LOVE Shakti and have been to their Bellevue Studio in the past. They are opening a studio in Redmond (so stoked!) and before the grand opening they had some free classes for any yogis or non-yogi's who decided to show up.

So far my yoga journey has taught me a few things:

Have fun

Dont take anything too seriously

Focus on yourself and not others (whether they are farting, grunting, complaining, breathing loudly, not loudly enough, messing with the clothes, fidgeting.......what have you)

Appreciate your body and believe it is capable of things you never imagined

Look fear in the face and go for it



I have been drawn to hot yoga the past four years and that has been my main form of practice. It has been great for me because throughout my life so far, I have been someone who has a tendency to be incredibly competitive and hard on myself. Hot yoga CAN(not always) enable that behavior to a certain extent unless you choose not to let it. Sometimes I love going in there for the cleansing effect. If I have to crawl out of the room, it was a great class.

As I get older (and wiser of corse) I am finding that I like the more fun, playful and meditative types of yoga. I took a year and a half off when I became pregnant. That break allowed me to realize that I dont have to be so incredibly disciplined all the time. Before my prego break I was the girl going for the 60 day challenge (hot yoga every day for 60 days). It is totally exhausting, time consuming and I personally think it can get the EGO involved.

When I decided to go back to yoga after I had my son I knew I wanted to approach it differently. I wanted to practice yoga to feel good, to let go of negativity and to be kind to my body. I no longer HAD to be in the front row pushing myself to do things that made me look like I knew what I was doing.
I try to move to different spots in the room so that I dont get attached to one certain area. If I want to take a break, I do so and dont feel guilty.
I try poses because I have confidence in myself, not because-- if that buff lady in the front is doing it, I better do it too.
I now practice about once or twice a week because I balance it with Chalene Extreme. I used to be so worried that if I only went once or twice that all the other yogi's would think I was not serious. I can guarantee they are not thinking about me and if they are, it doesnt matter!
When I enter the yoga room I know that I am in there for me. I will practice to feel good about myself. I still push myself but it is definatey in a different way.
This week I was incredibly proud of myself because I actually took one of the non heated classes at my studio. I had always wanted to try it but I kept finding reasons to stick with what I knew I loved, which is the hot classes. I am so glad I tried something new because it was one of the best classes I have had at that studio. I loved the ability to feel what my body was doing. I loved having energy becaues the heat was not making my heart race. I reached a deep level of meditation and when the class was over I felt so good. I would have never known how good this class could allow me to feel if I did not decide to try something new.
I thought of so many other things in my life that I need to just GO AFTER! I have always wanted to teach yoga but have not had the balls (sure, why not say BALLS in a yoga blog) to go for it. I thought about why that is and I think its because I want it so bad, the thought of actually doing it and having it not work out is sad. I realize that is not how it works. It could be fantastic but I will never know unless I just go for it. If its not fantastic, then that is okay. I no longer need to wonder WHAT IF..........so thank you yoga. I think life is just as simple as a yoga class, its the mind that decides to make things complicated.
What do you want to go after?

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